What unites us and what separates us? And how does the distance between the two affect our relationships? In echo_re_echo choreographer Ann Van den Broek and singer Gregory Frateur explore the attraction and distance between their personal and artistic identity to allow it to resonate with power and vulnerability. Together they take to the stage, along with musician Nicolas Rombouts and two dancers/performers.

echo_re_echo focuses on the resonance between their reality, mystery, and fantasy. Their echoes create a field of tension in which intense human emotions, frustrations, desires, and expectations are portrayed. Reflecting on the transformative times we live in, where fluidity, identity, and physical reality struggle for acceptance.

echo_re_echo takes place on the edge between concert and dance piece, from grand gestures to silence and intimacy, with images both monumental as well as personal.


concept and direction: Ann Van den Broek, Gregory Frateur
choreography: Ann Van den Broek
actors/performers: Ann Van den Broek, Gregory Frateur, Nicolas Rombouts and two WArd/waRD performers
music/composition: Nicolas Rombouts, Gregory Frateur
Text: Gregory Frateur
scenography: Niek Kortekaas
light and video: Bernie van Velzen
photography: Alexander D’Hiet

echo_re_echo by WArd/waRD is produced in conjunction with Theater Rotterdam and the financial support of the Fonds Podiumkunsten. Special thanks to Toneelhuis Antwerpen (BE).

For more information, press map, riders and financial conditions please contact Line Rousseau or Marion Gauvent

Photo: DR