Static Shot by Maud Le Pladec
“I envisage a very specific scenic device, situated between choreographic piece, scenic installation and cinematographic device. The dramaturgy of the piece, conceived as a block of bodies, images and sounds, will have no beginning, middle or end. Like a permanent climax, the group of dancers will together maintain this peak moment, energy always needing to be held at its zenith. So how to envision the questions of shared tension, ecstasy, and jouissance? And what about relaxation, breath, or loss? What if pleasure becomes a motive for tension? The piece’s dynamics – ranging from mezzo forte to fortississimo – will make this piece a permanent crescendo, inviting the spectators to participate in never-ending ecstasy.” Maud Le Pladec, 2020
PREMIERE: December 3rd, 2020, Opéra de Lorraine, Nancy (FR)
Conception and Choreography: MAUD LE PLADEC
Music: Pete Harden and Chloé Thévenin
Lights: Eric Soyer
Costumes creation and realisation: Christelle Kocher – KOCHÉ Costumes assistant: Laure Mahéo
Choreographic assistant: Régis Badel
Dramaturgy assistant: Baudouin Woehl
With the participation of the embroidery section of College Lapie (Lunéville)
Coproduction with the CCN d’Orléans
Photo: Laurent Philippe
For more information, press map, riders and financial conditions please contact Line Rousseau or Marion Gauvent